Unhosted Sunday Activities

NOTE: TIME CHANGE!  The brunch will now begin at 10:45 and we’ll gather for the house tour at 1:00!

We appreciate that everyone will be traveling to attend our wedding, and in many cases, this will be a rare opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family.  Therefore, we are planning two un-hosted, optional events on Sunday so that we may all enjoy a little more time together.

First, we will be having brunch at 10:45am Sunday morning at a wonderful little restaurant very near to Biltmore. It’s called “Province 620” and the address is 620 Hendersonville Road; Asheville, North Carolina 28803. See their web page at http://www.province620.com.  We have arranged with the restaurant to have a limited menu (7 items) available to us, and they will charge a flat $15 per person including beverage, tax, and gratuity.

Second, we will tour the Biltmore house as a group after brunch.  We will gather together at 1:00 in the front of the house.  The tour takes anywhere between 45 minutes and 3 hours depending on how long you like to linger and ask questions of the docents.  Scott and I will be organizing some kind of group rate for us that gets the tickets to about $40 a person.   Sorry – but the prices for the Biltmore house tour have gone up.  The “purchase at the door” tickets have gone up to $59.  The coupon that the Biltmore gives us takes $10 off the price, so the best price you can get without getting it online ahead of time is $49.

If you would like to attend either of these events, please send us email so we can give the restaurant a head’s up and arrange for house tour tickets to be made available at the group rate.  Send email to Lara at orange@indy.net.

We hope to see as many of you there as can stay a little longer!

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