The Event

Here you will find information about the individual events that make up the wedding. Check back periodically for updates! Check out the map!


(For those who need to know)

Location: Lioncrest Event Facility on Biltmore Estate

Time: Friday October 7, 3:00PM

Rehearsal Dinner:

(Wedding party only)

Location: Travinia Restaurant

Time: Friday October 7,  7:00PM

Wedding and Reception:

Lioncrest at Biltmore Estate

Asheville, NC

Date: October 8, 2011

Ceremony is scheduled for 11:00am

Luncheon Reception to follow at same location

Reception to end at 4:00pm

Dinner break from 4:00 – 7:00pm (Maps of restaurants on Biltmore estate and in Asheville will be available.)

Dessert Revel:

Quality Inn & Suites Biltmore South

Arden, NC

Time: 7:00pm until whenever

(Click here if you want to know what a “dessert revel” is.)

Unhosted Sunday Activities:

NOTE TIME CHANGE:  Brunch starts at 10:45 and we’ll gather for the house tour in front of the house at 1:00.

Optional Sunday Brunch and/or Biltmore House tour

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