NOTE: TIME CHANGE! The brunch will now begin at 10:45 and we’ll gather for the house tour at 1:00!
We appreciate that everyone will be traveling to attend our wedding, and in many cases, this will be a rare opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family. Therefore, we are planning two un-hosted, optional events on Sunday so that we may all enjoy a little more time together.
First, we will be having brunch at 10:45am Sunday morning at a wonderful little restaurant very near to Biltmore. It’s called “Province 620” and the address is 620 Hendersonville Road; Asheville, North Carolina 28803. See their web page at We have arranged with the restaurant to have a limited menu (7 items) available to us, and they will charge a flat $15 per person including beverage, tax, and gratuity.
Second, we will tour the Biltmore house as a group after brunch. We will gather together at 1:00 in the front of the house. The tour takes anywhere between 45 minutes and 3 hours depending on how long you like to linger and ask questions of the docents. Scott and I will be organizing some kind of group rate for us that gets the tickets to about $40 a person.  Sorry – but the prices for the Biltmore house tour have gone up. The “purchase at the door” tickets have gone up to $59. The coupon that the Biltmore gives us takes $10 off the price, so the best price you can get without getting it online ahead of time is $49.
If you would like to attend either of these events, please send us email so we can give the restaurant a head’s up and arrange for house tour tickets to be made available at the group rate. Send email to Lara at
We hope to see as many of you there as can stay a little longer!